Welcome to the FlexPay API documentation, where we explore the diverse concepts surrounding online payments and provide comprehensive guidance on utilizing our APIs effectively. This reference is designed to empower developers, merchants, and businesses alike by offering insights into payment processing, data structures, error handling, and supported message formats within FlexPay's ecosystem.

Our APIs follow a standard REST-style architecture, facilitating ease of use and interoperability across different systems. By leveraging JSON as the accepted/requested message format, developers can seamlessly interact with our API endpoints, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.

FlexPay offers three distinct APIs:

The Invisible Recovery (IR) and Gateway Management APIs are located at:


The Engage Recovery (ER) API is located at:


Whether you're integrating FlexPay for the first time or seeking to optimize your existing workflows, our API documentation serves as your comprehensive guide to unlocking the full potential of our payment recovery solutions. Dive in, explore the possibilities, and discover how FlexPay can revolutionize your payment processing journey.