Below, you will find a comprehensive list of all the gateways compatible with FlexPay's services. With over 60 integrated partners and counting, we are continually expanding our network. If you don't see your payment gateway listed, please contact us, and we will get the work started.

Each gateway listed on this page includes basic details such as the production endpoint, the sandbox endpoint (if available), supported operations, and payment methods. Additionally, some gateways have unique items: Gateway Specific Fields and Gateway Specific Response Fields.

  • Gateway Specific Fields: These are unique optional fields that some gateways need for certain customized options. To send a GSF along with your Charge request to a gateway, it should be nested under gateway_specific_fields, and under the gateway’s name, i.e. gateway_type.
  • Gateway Specific Response Fields: These fields are returned by some gateways and are not part of the standard FlexPay response. They will be included under an object called gateway_specific_response_fields.

If you need FlexPay to process on a gateway but don't see a field you need to send or receive, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Integration Manager to submit a request.

Sandbox Testing

FlexPay is currently integrated with dozens of payment gateways. However, only certain gateways are available for end-to-end testing through FlexPay's API. These endpoints allow you to simulate a production environment without touching any of your live accounts. Any transaction sent to a gateway in this mode, will leave Flexpay and reach the gateway sandbox endpoint. To trigger a particular response, gateways often provide test cards, specific amounts, specific codes, or clear instructions on how to perform all necessary tests for a successful integration. Please refer to their official documentation for more details.

Below, you will find all the gateways FlexPay currently supports, look for their Sandbox API endpoint, if there's a URL, then it means we support it in sandbox mode.

All commands listed in this API document under "Gateway management section" also work for creating a gateway in sandbox mode. The only difference is the execution mode you sent with your "Create Gateway" request.

Please note that once the mode is set, it cannot be modified. If you added a gateway with the wrong execution mode and wish to change it, you must disable it and create a new gateway.

For more detailed instructions on conducting sandbox testing, please refer to our Sandbox guide.


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an Acquired gateway, use the following settings:

    "company_id" : "Your Company ID", 
    "company_pass" : "Your Company Password", 
    "hash_code" : "Your Hash Code",
    "company_mid_id" : "Your Company MID ID"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: adyen
  • Production API endpoint: https://[prefix][version]/[method]
  • Sandbox API endpoint: https: //[version]/[method]
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add an Adyen gateway, use the following settings:

    "mode" : "(required) APIKey Authentication (value = 'apikey') OR Username and Password (value = 'basic') authentication methods.",
    "merchant_account_id" : "(required) Merchant Account Id",
    "api_url_random_hex" : "(required in production, live mode) Random prefix for URL",
    "api_url_company_name" : "(required in production, live mode) Company name at Adyen",
    "api_key" : "(required with APIKey authentication mode) Provided by Adyen",
    "username" : "(required with Username and Password authentication mode) Provided by Adyen",
    "password" : "(required with Username and Password authentication mode) Provided by Adyen"

Gateway Specific Fields

          "shopper_interaction": "custom additional field that's possible to pass to Adyen",
          "customer_id" : "If provided, this value is sent as shopperReference instead of the regular customer_id submitted in the base payload",
          "shopper_statement" : "Provide shopper statement value here",
          "paymentmethod_type" : "Possible values are applepay and paywitgoogle",
      	  "manual_capture": "Set to true to require manual capture for the transaction.",
          "line_items": [
                        "amountExcludingTax": "Item amount excluding the tax, in minor units.",
                        "quantity": "Number of items"
          "recurring_processing_model" : "Possible value is UnscheduledCardOnFile. If no value is sent, Subscription will be the default value."

Alto Global Processing (AGP)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an AGP gateway, you need your access token issued by AGP and your entity id by the channel entity identifier. In case channel dispatching is activated then it should be the merchant entity identifier.

    "access token": "AccessToken-123",
    "entity id" : "EntityId-123"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an Apexx gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_key": "API key value provided by Apexx",
    "organization_id" : "Organization ID provided by Apexx"

Gateway Specific Fields

   "apexx":   {
      "dynamic_descriptor": "alphanumeric (optional)",
      "initial_scheme_transaction_id": "alphanumeric (optional)"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: authorize_net
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add an Authorize.Net gateway, use the following settings:

    "login": "Your Authorize.Net API Login ID",
    "password" : "Your Authorize.Net Transaction Key"

Gateway Specific Fields

To use the vault you need to supply two values.

  1. Supply your customerPaymentProfileId as the gatewayPaymentMethodId when using the Pass-In Gateway Payment Method
  2. Supply your customerProfileId as the gateway specific field customer_profile_id.

Those fields are returned when your system saved payment information in the vault.

          "customer_profile_id" : "Your customer profile Id"

Bambora North America (formerly Beanstream)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Bambora North America gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant id",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "api_key" : "Your API key"

Barclaycard Smartpay

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Barclaycard gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchantReferenceId" : "Your merchant reference id"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a BillaPay gateway:

    "account_id": "account_id_value(required, string)",
    "account_password": "account_password_value(required, string)",
    "merchant_code": "merchant_code_value(optional, string)"

Gateway Specific Fields

NOTE: The use_rebill_endpoint when set to true, will turn the transaction into a transaction with third party token. The user must pass MerchantAccountReferenceId and the ThirdPartyToken (as SubscriberID) for the transaction to work. This will call BillaPay's rebill endpoint.

   "billapay": {
       "product_code": "123123-123-123", (required, string)
       "merchant_code": "merchant_code_value", (optional, string)
       "user1": "some_value1", (optional, string)
       "user2": "some_value2", (optional, string)
       "allow_duplicate_signup": "1", (optional, string)
       "use_rebill_endpoint": true/false (optional, boolean)

Gateway Specific Response Fields

"gatewaySpecificResponseFields": {
   "billapay": {
       "subscriber_id": "2352123471"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: blue_snap
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a BlueSnap gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_username" : "Your API Username",
    "api_password" : "Your API Password"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: braintree
  • Production API endpoint: Multiple
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

Currency restrictions

It is important to note that only one currency is permitted per merchant account; a separate gateway token is required for each currency you wish to support, and thus merchant account you need. If you send a different currency than what the merchant account is configured for, the transaction will display it as the attempted currency, but BrainTree will in fact process the amount as the currency configured for that merchant account, with no conversion.

There are actually two different “modes” that you can use to authenticate with the BrainTree gateway: Blue and Orange. To add an Braintree gateway, use the following settings:

Blue Mode

    "mode" : "blue",
    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant Id",
    "public_key" : "Your Public Key",
    "private_key" : "Your Private Key",
    "map_to_customer_id": "false" (optional) 

Blue Mode with Merchant Account ID

    "mode" : "blue",
    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant Id",
    "public_key" : "Your Public Key",
    "private_key" : "Your Private Key",
    "merchant_account_id" : "Your Merchant Account ID",
    "map_to_customer_id": "false" (optional) 

Orange Mode

    "mode" : "orange",
    "login" : "Your Login",
    "password" : "Your Password",
    "map_to_customer_id": "false" (optional) 

Gateway Specific Fields

Custom fields: Custom fields allow you to collect specific information about your customer and a purchase. If you have any custom fields that you would like to pass through Braintree, you can do so within gatewaySpecificFields. The name of the fields inside the custom_fields node can by anything, thus making is dynamic. The structure inside custom_fields must be valid JSON .

NOTE: custom fields cannot be created via an API request. You’ll need to configure them directly in the Control Panel. Review Braintree’s custom fields documentation for more information.

  "gatewaySpecificFields": {
        "braintree": {
         "custom_fields": {
                 "custom_field1" : "custom_field_value1",
                 "custom_field2" : "custom_field_value2"

Braintree has 3 fields that allow the merchant to skip gateway fraud checking when creating the transaction via API: skip_advanced_fraud_checking, skip_avs, and skip_cvv

You can set map_to_customer_id as true to indicate that the customer_id of a specific transaction should be use as the payment method. The value passed on a gateway specific field will overwrite the gateway configuration.

  "gatewaySpecificFields": {   
     "braintree": {
        "skip_advanced_fraud_checking": "true",
        "skip_avs": "true",
        "skip_cvv": "true",
        "map_to_customer_id": "true",
        "descriptor_name": "value",
        "descriptor_phone": "value",
        "descriptor_url": "value",
        "tax_amount": "value"

Gateway Specific Response Fields

A response from Braintree gateway may contain the following fields: additional_processor_response, risk_data_decision, risk_data_device_data_captured, risk_data_id which you can find in the gateway_specific_response_fields. For example, a transaction could have something like this:

"gatewaySpecificResponseFields" : {
  "braintree" : {
      "additional_processor_response" : "2004",
      "risk_data_decision" : "Approve",
      "risk_data_device_data_captured" : "True",
      "risk_data_id" : "123"

BridgePay (BridgeComm)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a BridgePay gateway, use the following settings:

    "username" : "You username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_code" : "Your merchant code",
    "merchant_account_code" : "Your merchant account code"

Gateway Specific Fields

    "bridge_pay_bridgeComm":   {
        "transaction_cat_code": "TransCatCode" (Empty if not passed. Can be overridden by our system to 'R' when FlexPay evaluates the transaction as recurring),
        "transaction_industry_type": "TransIndustryType" (Defaulted to "EC" if not passed),
        "holder_type": "HolderType" (Defaulted to 'P' if not passed)"

CardConnect CardPointe

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: card_connect
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

When configuring the payment gateway, there are 3 different modes to choose from depending on the payment method: Credit Card, Secure Token, and Profile.

Credit Card Mode

Credit card mode is for regular credit card processing. The account field in CardConnect is used to send the credit card number.

    "mode" : "credit_card",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant Id",
    "domain" : "Domain prefix" (OPTIONAL)

Secure Token Mode

Secure token is for processing with a third party token. The gatewayPaymentMethodId field must be filled in order to pass the token in the account field in CardConnect.

    "mode" : "secure_token",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant Id",
    "domain" : "Domain prefix" (OPTIONAL)

Profile Mode

In Profile mode, the gatewayPaymentMethodId field must be filled in order to pass the token in the profile field in CardConnect.

    "mode" : "profile",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant Id",
    "domain" : "Domain prefix" (OPTIONAL)

Gateway Specific Fields

For authorization requests, a custom JSON object can be passed through one of the following gateway specific fields:

"userfields": {
     field1:  "value1",
     field2: "value2"

For capture requests, the following gateway specific fields exist:

"gatewaySpecificFields":  {
    "card_connect":   {
          "user_fields": {
              "field1": "value1",
              "field2": "value2"

CardConnect CardPointe Direct

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: card_connect_direct
  • Production API endpoint: https://{domain}{port number}/cardconnect/rest/
  • Sandbox API endpoint: https://{domain}{port number}/cardconnect/rest/
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

When configuring the payment gateway, there are 3 different modes to choose from depending on the payment method: Credit Card, Secure Token, and Profile.

Credit Card Mode

Credit card mode is for regular credit card processing. The account field in CardConnect is used to send the credit card number.

    "mode" : "credit_card",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant Id",
    "domain" : "Domain prefix" (OPTIONAL),
    "port number" : "URL Port Number" (OPTIONAL)

Secure Token Mode

Secure token is for processing with a third party token. The gatewayPaymentMethodId field must be filled in order to pass the token in the account field in CardConnect.

    "mode" : "secure_token",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant Id",
    "domain" : "Domain prefix" (OPTIONAL),
    "port number" : "URL Port Number" (OPTIONAL)

Profile Mode

In Profile mode, the gatewayPaymentMethodId field must be filled in order to pass the token in the profile field in CardConnect.

    "mode" : "profile",
    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant Id",
    "domain" : "Domain prefix" (OPTIONAL),
    "port number" : "URL Port Number" (OPTIONAL)

Gateway Specific Fields

For authorization requests, a custom JSON object can be passed through one of the following gateway specific fields:

"userfields": {
     field1:  "value1",
     field2: "value2"

For capture requests, the following gateway specific fields exist:

"gatewaySpecificFields":  {
    "card_connect":   {
          "userfields": {
              "field1": "value1",
              "field2": "value2"

Cardworks America

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

Gateway type code: cwa

Production API endpoint:

Sandbox API endpoint:

Supported payment types: Credit card, Gateway payment method token, Gateway Transaction Id

Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a CWA gateway:

Basic Mode:

    "mode": "basic",
    "username": "Your Username",
    "password": "Your Password",
    "processor_id": "Your Processor ID (optional)"

Security Key Auth Mode:

    "mode": "securitykey",
    "security_key": "CWA security key",
    "processor_id": "Your Processor ID (optional)"

Gateway Specific Fields

When interacting with a CWA gateway to run transactions, there are some gateway specific fields you can specify when making a charge or authorize call.

"gatewaySpecificFields": {
     "cwa": {
        "billing_number": "1",
        "sec_code": "seccode01",
        "customer_vault_id": "custvaultid123",
        "customer_id": "custid01",
        "shipping": "shipit",
        "ponumber": "102345",
        "merchant_defined_field_1": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_2": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_3": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_4": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_5": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_6": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_7": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_8": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_9": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_10": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_11": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_12": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_13": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_14": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_15": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_16": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_17": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_18": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_19": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_20": "mdfd01"

Chase Paymentech Orbital

FlexPay supports the Chase Paymentech Orbital gateway for both the Stratus and PNS specifications.

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Chase Paymentech Orbital gateway, use the following settings:

    "username" : "Your username",
    "password" : "Your password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your merchant ID",
    "bin" : null



The BIN is optional. It is only required if a MID is set up to manage Profiles at the Merchant ID level instead of the Chain ID (company) level. Please contact Chase support if you are unsure about the details of your MID configuration:

Gateway Specific Fields

    "gatewaySpecificFields": {
        "chase_payment_tech": {
            "trace_number": "Trace number",
            "industry_type": "Industry type",
            "mit_msg_type": "MIT message type",
            "mit_stored_credential_ind": "MIT stored credential",
            "mit_submitted_transaction_id": "MIT submitted transaction id",
            "sd_merchant_name": "Sd Merchant Name",
            "sd_product_description": "Sd Product Description",
            "sd_merchant_city": "Sd Merchant City",
            "sd_merchant_phone": "Sd Merchant Phone",
            "sd_merchant_url": "Sd Merchant Url",
            "sd_merchant_email": "Sd Merchant Email",
            "smd_city": "Smd City",
            "smd_email": "Smd Email",
            "smd_region": "Smd Region",
            "smd_street": "Smd Street",
            "smd_contact_info": "Smd Contact Info",
            "smd_country_code": "Smd Country Code",
            "smd_phone_number": "Smd Phone Number",
            "smd_postal_code": "Smd Postal Code",
            "smd_dba": "Smd Dba",
            "smd_mcc": "Smd Mcc",
            "smd_merchant_id": "Smd Merchant Id",
            "tax": "Tax",
            "tax_ind": "Tax Ind",
            "pc_order_num": "Pc Order Num",
            "pc_dest_zip": "Pc Dest Zip",
            "pc_dest_name": "Pc Dest Name",
            "pc_dest_address1": "Pc Dest Address 1",
            "pc_dest_address2": "Pc Dest Address 2",
            "pc_dest_city": "Pc Dest City",
            "pc_dest_state": "Pc Dest State",
            "amex_tran_adv_addn1": "Amex Tran Adv Addn 1",
            "amex_tran_adv_addn2": "Amex Tran Adv Addn 2",
            "amex_tran_adv_addn3": "Amex Tran Adv Addn 3",
            "amex_tran_adv_addn4": "Amex Tran Adv Addn 4"

Gateway Specific Response Fields

A response from Chase Paymentech Orbital gateway may contain the following fields:
HostRespCode, HostAVSRespCode, MITReceivedTransactionID which you can find in the gateway_specific_response_fields. For example, a transaction could have something like this:

"gatewaySpecificResponseFields": {
      "chase_payment_tech": {
        "trace_number": "Trace number",
        "proc_status": "0",
        "HostRespCode": "100",
        "HostAVSRespCode": "I3",
        "MITReceivedTransactionID": "581356721605615"

Checkout V2

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: checkout_v2
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a Checkout V2 gateway, use the following settings:

    "secret_key" : "Your Secret Key"

Gateway Specific Fields

FlexPay will map transaction_indicator to payment_type, and previous_charge_id to previous_payment_id before sending the request to Checkout.

By default, the field transaction_indicator is set to 1, a regular transaction. You can pass the value 2 to indicate recurring, or 3 for MOTO.

   "checkout_v2":   {
      "processing_channel_id": "value",
      "descriptor_city": "value",
      "descriptor_name": "value",
      "card_on_file": "value",
      "transaction_indicator": "value",
      "previous_charge_id": "value",
      "attempt_n3d": "value",
      "metadata": "value",
      "capture_type": "value",
      "authorization_type": "value",
      "challenge_indicator": "value",
      "exemption": "value",
      "incremental_authorization": "value",
      "execute_threed": "value",
      "funds_transfer_type": "value",
      "account_holder_type": "value",
      "source_type": "value",
      "source_id": "value",
      "merchant_initiated_transaction_id": "value"


To add a Credorax gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant ID",
    "cipher_key" : "Your Cipher Key",
    "mpi_merchant_id" : "Your MPI Merchant ID",
    "mpi_merchant_name" : "Your MPI Merchant Name",
    "mpi_password" : "Your MPI Password"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: cyber_source
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a Cybersource gateway, you need to supply your CyberSource user name (merchant_id), and a SOAP Toolkit secure Transaction Key generated in the CyberSource admin:

    "user_name" : "Your Merchant ID",
    "transaction_key" : "Your Transaction Key"

CyberSource Direct

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a CyberSource Direct gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id" : "(required) Merchant ID provided by CyberSource",
    "username" : "(required) The Cybersource Merchant ID also goes in the Username field.",
    "transaction_key" : "(required) In the codebase this is referred to as the Transaction Key. In the Cybersource admin portal it is the SOAP Toolkit key",
    "subsequent_auth_transactionid" : "(optional) Configuration field to be sent with each transaction (AuthTransactionId)",
    "ignoreAvsResult" : true ((optional) Boolean. Ignore avs result indicator. Default = false),
    "ignoreCvvResult" : true ((optional) Boolean. Ignore cvv result indicator. Default = false)

Gateway Specific Fields

   "cyber_source_direct":   {
      "order_id": "Defines the value sent to CyberSource in the merchantReferenceCode field (if not provided, the value from the merchantTransactionId field is used)",
      "subsequentAuthTransactionId": "will override the configuration value. This allows to customize what is sent in the field (AuthTransactionId) for each transaction"

Gateway Specific Response Fields

A response from Cyber Source Direct gateway may contain the following fields: requestedAmount, availableAmount
Which you can find in the gateway_specific_response_fields. For example, a transaction could have something like this:

"gatewaySpecificResponseFields": {
    "cyber_source_direct": {
        "requestedAmount": "Amount requested by an Auth transaction",
        "availableAmount": "Response from CyberSource about the amount available for authrization"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: d_local
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a DLocal gateway, use the following settings:

  "x_login": "Login required for authentication with DLocal gateway (required)",
  "x_trans_key": "Transact key required for authentication with DLocal gateway (required)",
  "secret_key": "Secret key required for authentication with DLocal gateway (required)",
  "environment_mode": "Live(0) or Sandbox(2) environment mode at dLocal API (required)"

Gateway Specific Fields

More details about these fields can be found in

          "document": "User’s personal identification number (required)",
          "payment_method_id": "Payment method code chosen to make the payment, or the keyword CARD Required for DIRECT payment method flow. Length: 4. For example: CARD, VI, VD, MC"   

Elavon (Converge)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an Elavon gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id": "Your merchant id",
    "pin": "Your pin",
    "user": "User ID",
    "multi_currency": "[true, false]"

First Data Global Gateway

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a First Data Global gateway, use the following settings:

    "login" : "Your Store ID",
    "pem" : "Your Certificate PEM File"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Forte gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_key" : "Your API Key",
    "secret" : "Your Secret",
    "location_id" : "Your Location ID",
    "account_id" : "Your Account ID"

Ingenico ePayments

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an Ingenico ePayments gateway (formerly Global Collect), use the following settings:

    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant ID",
    "api_key_id" : "Your API Key ID",
    "secret_api_key" : "Your Secret API Key"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Inovio gateway, use the following settings:

    "req_username" : "Your Username",
    "req_password" : "Your Password",
    "site_id" : "Your Site ID",
    "li_prod_id_1" : "Your Dynamic Product ID",
    "merchant_account_id" : "Your Merchant Account ID"

Gateway Specific Fields

"gatewaySpecificFields": {
                "xtl_order_id": "value",
                "card_on_file_flag": "True/false",
                "mbshp_id_xtl": "value", 
                "trans_rebill_type": "value" 


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an IPPay gateway, use the following settings:

  "terminal_id": "(required) this ID is issued by IPpay Merchant Services when an account is set up",


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_key" : "API key value provided by Masspay (required)",
    "organization_id" : "Organization ID value provided by Masspay"

Gateway Specific Fields

    "masspay": {
        "payment_profile": "Reference to the payment profile this transaction belongs to (required)",
        "dynamic_descriptor": "A short reference / descriptor that will show up on the customers bank statement",
        "webhook_transaction_update": "A webhook url that is called when a transaction is updated",
        "redirect_url": "(required)",
        "product_lines": [
                "id": "Product01",
                "name": "My Product",
                "type": "tangible",
                "category": "Supplies",
                "description": "Description of the product",
                "upc": "PRD01",
                "sku": "XYZ12345",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 500,
                "price_incl": 500,
                "vat_percentage": 500
                "id": "Product02",
                "name": "My Product2",
                "type": "tangible",
                "category": "Supplies",
                "description": "Description of the product",
                "upc": "PRD02",
                "sku": "XYZ12346",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 600,
                "price_incl": 600,
                "vat_percentage": 600


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a MojoPay gateway, use the following settings:

"api_key": "your merchant API key"

Moneris CA

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Moneris gateway, use the following settings:

    "store_id" : "Your API Key ID",
    "api_token" : "Your API Token"

Turning off CVV & Turning on AVS

Some Moneris accounts are configured such that they do not allow a CVV to be passed to them. If that is the case for your account, you can pass the extra Boolean parameter cvv_enabled when adding the gateway so we do not pass the CVV to the gateway,

Another option is to perform AVS checking, If you’d like to perform such checking, you can pass the extra Boolean parameter avs_enabled when adding the gateway:

    "store_id" : "Your API Key ID",
    "api_token" : "Your API Token",
    "cvv_enabled" : "false",
    "avs_enabled" : "true"

Moneris CA Direct

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Moneris gateway, use the following settings:

    "store_id" : "Your API Key ID",
    "api_token" : "Your API Token"

MX Merchant (Priority Payment Systems)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a MX Merchant gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id": "Your merchant id",
    "username": "Your Username or ConsumerKey",
    "password": "Your Password or ConsumerSecret"



NOTE: For authentication, it can be a combination of (Username and Password) or (ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret)


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an NetBilling gateway, use the following settings:

  "account_id": "(required) This is the number of your merchant or agent account, as a 12 digit string. Required for all transactions",
  "dynip_sec_code": "(optional)  This field should be used only when a Direct Mode client is unable to connect to the server from a Trusted Static IP Address and must connect from a dynamic or unknown IP Address",
  "environment_mode": "Live(0) or Sandbox(2) environment mode at NETbilling API (required)"

Gateway Specific Fields

          "member_duration": "value",
          "member_username": "value",
          "member_password": "value",
          "recurring_amount": "value",
          "recurring_period": "value",
          "processor": "value",
          "site_tag": "value"   


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: nmi
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit card, Gateway payment method token, Gateway Transaction Id
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add an NMI gateway, use the following settings:

    "login" : "Your Username",
    "password" : "Your Password",
    "processor_id" : "Your Processor ID"

Gateway Specific Fields

"gatewaySpecificFields": {
     "nmi": {
        "sec_code": "seccode01",
        "customer_vault_id": "custvaultid123",
        "customer_id": "custid01",
        "tax": "taxamount 123",
        "shipping": "shipit",
        "ponumber": "102345",
        "merchant_defined_field_1": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_2": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_3": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_4": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_5": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_6": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_7": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_8": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_9": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_10": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_11": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_12": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_13": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_14": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_15": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_16": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_17": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_18": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_19": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_20": "mdfd01"

NMI Direct

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an NMI Direct gateway, you have two different auth modes:

Basic Mode

"settings": {
    "mode": "basic",
    "username": "Your Username",
    "password": "Your Password",
    "processor_id": "Your Processor ID (optional)"

Security Key Mode

"settings": {
    "mode": "securitykey",
    "security_key": "NMI security key",
    "processor_id": "Your Processor ID (optional)"

Gateway Specific Fields

"gatewaySpecificFields": {
     "nmi": {
        "initial_transaction_id": "Id of the Customer Initiated Transaction",
        "sec_code": "seccode01",
        "customer_vault_id": "custvaultid123",
        "customer_id": "custid01",
        "shipping": "shipit",
        "ponumber": "102345",
        "merchant_defined_field_1": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_2": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_3": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_4": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_5": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_6": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_7": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_8": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_9": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_10": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_11": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_12": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_13": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_14": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_15": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_16": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_17": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_18": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_19": "mdfd01",
        "merchant_defined_field_20": "mdfd01"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Nuvei gateway, use the following settings:

    "terminal_id" : "Your terminal id",
    "shared_secret" : "Your shared secret"

Gateway Specific Fields

        "autoready": "Y" (Possible values:  "Y" or "N". This is for a Charge transaction only)


To add a PayCertify gateway, use the following settings:

    "apiToken" : "Your API Token"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Payeezy gateway, use the following settings:

    "api key": "AccessToken-123",
    "api secret”: "EntityId-123",
    “api token”: “EntityId-123”

Gateway Specific Fields

  • Timeout Reversals

The reversal_id field can be added to any authorize or purchase transaction. In the event of a timeout, the same reversal_id can then be specified via void to reverse the transaction.

  • Soft Descriptors

You can specify soft_descriptors to pass in dynamic soft descriptor data for a transaction.

  • Specific fields for Store

US Merchants will receive a Transarmour multi-token token when the store method is used to tokenize a credit card.

A gateway specific field is required for this: ta_token

"gatewaySpecificFields": {
   "payeezy": {  
      "reversal_id": "",
      "soft_descriptors": {  
          "dba_name": "",  
          "street": "",  
         "city": ""  
         "region": ""  
         "mid": ""  
         "mcc": ""  
         "postal_code": ""  
         "country_code": ""  
         "merchant_contact_info": ""  
      "ta_token": "",  

Paypal Commerce Platform

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a PayPal gateway, use the following settings:

    "client_id" : "Your client ID",
    "client_secret" : "Your client secret",
    "payPal_partner_attribution_id" : "Your PayPal partner ID" (OPTIONAL)

Gateway Specific Fields

  • Charge and Authorize:

In order to do an Authorization or a Charge on PayPal, it is required to first do a transaction to "Create" the order. When calling the FlexPay API for Authorization or Charge, this prerequisite transaction will be created automatically, and then Auth or Charge will be performed. Most of the non-sensitive data is passed in the "Create" transaction.

  • Amount Breakdown:

If a child node is present it MUST have both a currency_code and value string. For more information view the PayPal documentation of amount_breakdown:

          "merchant_id": "Your merchant id", (required to do transactions on behalf of a merchant)
          "merchant_client_id": "Your merchant client id",
          "invoice_id": "Your invoice id",
          "soft_descriptor": "Hello World",
          "shipping_preference": "NO_SHIPPING", ("SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS": shipment data will be sent to PayPal. "NO_SHIPPING" or no value provided: no shipment data will be sent to PayPal)
          "payee_email_address": "Email of the payee", (required if charging platform fees)
          "platform_fees_currency_code": "USD", (required if charging platform fees)
          "platform_fee_amount": "1000", (required if charging platform fees. Amount in cents: e.g. 1000 = $10.00)
          "amount_breakdown" : {
                      "discount": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "10.00"
                      "handling": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "9.99"
                      "insurance": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "9.98"
                      "item_total": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "9.97"
                      "shipping": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "9.96"
                      "shipping_discount": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "9.95"
                      "tax_total": {
                          "currency_code": "USD",
                          "value": "9.94"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a PayRilla gateway, use the following settings:

  "source_key": "(required) source key provided by PayRilla"

Gateway Specific Fields

          "customer_id": "string"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: paysafe
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a PaySafe gateway, use the following settings:

    "username": "Your API key username",
    "password": "Your API key password",
    "account_id": "Your account ID"

Gateway Specific Fields

         "exempt_local_tax": true,  (boolean)
         "local_tax_amount": "1",  (string)
         "national_tax_amount": "1", (string)
         "freight_amount": "1", (string)
         "duty_amount": "1", (string)
         "destination_zip": "H4A2P8", (string)
         "destination_country": "CA", (string)
         "ship_from_zip": "H4A2P8", (string)
         "external_initial_transaction_id": "MDX1JKGOK842  ", (string)

Paysafe (formerly Optimal Payments)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an PaySafe (optical payments) gateway, use the following settings:

    "account_number" : "Your Account Number",
    "store_id" : "Your Store ID",
    "password" : "Your Password"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: paytrace
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token, Gateway Transaction Id
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add an PayTrace gateway, use the following settings:

    "username": "PayTrace API Username",
    "password": "Password for PayTrace API",
    "integrator_id": "Your integrator id"

Gateway Specific Fields

   "paytrace": {
       "discretionary_data ": {
             "key1": "value1",
             "key2": "value2",
             "keyn": "valuen"

PayU Latam

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an PayU Latam gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant ID",
    "account_id" : "Your Account ID",
    "api_login" : "Your Username",
    "api_key" : "Your API Key",
    "payment_country" : "Your Payment Country"

Gateway Specific Fields

        "dni_number" : "Your DNI Number",
        "dni_type" : "Your DNI Type",
        "cnpj" : "Your CNPJ",
        "birth_date" : "Birth date", (Required for transactions in Mexico)
        "description" : "Description", (Can be sent to override the default value of: Compra en merchant_name)
        "tax" : "Tax", (Required for transactions in Colombia)
        "tax_return_base" : "Tax Return Base", (Required for transactions in Colombia)
        "installments_number" : "Installments Number",
        "user_agent" : "User Agent",
        "cookie" : "Cookie",
        "device_session_id" : "Device Session ID", (Required for all transactions – see instructions below)
        "buyer" : {
           "name" : "Name",
           "email" : "Email",
           "dni_number" : "DNI Number",
           "dni_type" : "DNI Type",
           "cnpj" : "CNPJ",
        "verify_amount" : "Verify Amount", (Can be sent in verify API calls to override default minimum values.),
        "language " : "Language", (Overrides the language used in emails and error messages. The default language is sent as en, but es or pt may be sent.)

Instructions for finding device_session_id can be found here under ‘Devicesessionid variable’.

The buyer gateway specific field is an element in which you may specify to the buyer (as opposed to the Payer). If this element is not sent, the payer’s information will be used instead. If the element is sent with partial information, any missing fields will be sent as empty. In addition to these fields, PayU receives the buyer-specific phone number present in the shipping_address element if provided.


  • Gateway type code: pex
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported

To add a Pex gateway, use the following settings:

    "terminalId" : "Your Terminal ID",
    "password" : "Your Password"


To add a gateway, use the following settings:

    "username" : "Your Username",
    "password" : "Your Password",
    "mid" : "Your MID",
    "mid_q" : "Your MID Qualifier"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a ProPay gateway, use the following settings:

    "cert_str" : "Affiliation Credential for API Access or Disbursement Account Credential for Funds Disbursements (required)",
    "account_num" : "Account Number (required)",
    "term_id" : "ProPay Credential, omit unless directed (optional)",
    "environment_mode" : "External Gateway environment mode. 0 for Live, 2 for Sandbox)"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a ProtectPay gateway, use the following settings:

    "auth_token" : "Value supplied by ProtectPay. Used to identify the correct collection of tokens (required)",
    "biller_id" : "Valid value is a GUID. Value supplied by ProPay. Used to access the API (required)",
    "account_num" : "Account number (required)",
    "merchant_profile_id" : "Merchant Profile Id (required)",
    "environment_mode" : "External Gateway environment mode. 0 for Live, 2 for Sandbox)"

Gateway Specific Fields

          "merchant_profile_id": "value",
          "sec_code": "value"

Gateway Specific Response Fields

"gatewaySpecificResponseFields": {
      "protect_pay": {
        "gateway_transaction_id": "TransactionId"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a PsiGate gateway, use the following settings:

    "store_id" : "Your Store ID",
    "passphrase" : "Your Pass Phrase"

QualPay (Recommendation mode only)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: qualpay


This gateway can only be used in recommendation mode. There are no settings to create a gateway of this type.


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: rocketgate
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a RocketGate gateway, use the following settings:

  "merchant_id": "(required) Merchant Identifier value provided by RocketGate.",
  "merchant_password": "(required) Merchant password value provided by RocketGate."


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a SafeCharge gateway, use the following settings:

    "client_login_id" : "Your Username",
    "client_password" : "Your Password"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: slim_cd
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a gateway, use the following settings:

    "username" : "optional, provided by SlimCD",
    "client_id" : "required, provided by SlimCD",
    "site_id" : "required, provided by SlimCD",
    "price_id" : "required, provided by SlimCD",
    "password" : "required, provided by SlimCD",
    "key" : "required, provided by SlimCD",
    "environment_mode" : "External Gateway environment mode. 0 for Live, 2 for Sandbox"

SolidGate (Recommendation mode only)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: solid_gate


This gateway can only be used in recommendation mode. There are no settings to create a gateway of this type.


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: stripe
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a Stripe gateway, use the following settings:

    "login" : "Your secret key"

Stripe Connect

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: stripe_connect
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a Stripe Connect gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_key" : "your secret key for authentication (required)",
    "stripe_account" : "Account Id at Stripe (optional)"

Gateway Specific Fields

          "customer_profile_id": "value",

Stripe Payment Intents

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: stripe_payment_intents
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund


FlexPay supports the use of a Restricted API Key. The configurations can be found under the "All core resources" section when creating the key in Stripe. These are the permissions needed to process on your behalf with a restricted key:


To add a Stripe Payment Intents gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_key" : "api key for authentication (required)",
    "account_name" : "Account Id value for authentication with StripePaymentIntents API (required)"

Gateway Specific Fields

          "metadata": "value",
          "statement_descriptor_suffix": "value",
          "setup_future_usage": "value",
          "customer_id": "value (required)",
          "off_session": "true/false"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a SurePay gateway, use the following settings:

    "api_key" : "api key for authentication (required)",
    "device_guid" : "Unique value provided by Surepay when approved for an account (required)"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Tempus gateway, use the following settings:

    "RNID" : "RetailNet ID which is issued by Tempuse",
    "RNCERT" : "RetailNet site Certificate issued by Tempus and used to secure and authenticate the connection."

Transact Pro

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Transact Pro gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchantGuid" : "Your Merchant",
    "password" : "Your Password",
    "routingString" : "Your Routing String"

TSYS MultiPass

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a TSYS MultiPass gateway, use the following settings:

    "device_id" : "Your device Id",
    "transaction_key" : "Your transaction key"

Gateway Specific Fields

Accepted values for card_data_source: SWIPENFC, EMV, EMV_CONTACTLESS, BAR_CODE, MANUAL, PHONE (Default value), MAIL, INTERNET, FALLBACK_SWIPE

      "card_data_source": "your card data souce",
      "developer_id": "your developerId"


For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a USAePay gateway, use the following settings:

    "source_key" : "Your Source Key"

USAePay Direct

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: usaepay
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
    • NOTE: When using tokens, the expiration date is set to 0000. CVV can still be passed for these types of transactions.
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a USAePay Direct gateway, use the following settings:

    "source_key" : "Your Source Key",
    "source_pin" : "Your Merchant Pin", (optional)

Vantiv eCommerce (formerly Litle)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add a Vantiv eCommerce gateway, use the following settings:

    "user" : "Your Username",
    "password" : "Your Password",
    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant ID"

Worldpay Litle

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

Worldpay Litle Sandbox



In order to process on Worldpay successfully, you will need to have FlexPay's Presenter ID whitelisted in your merchant account. Please contact your Client Success Manager to obtain our Presenter ID.

When adding a Worldpay Litle gateway (also known as Vantiv eCommerce), you have the option to create a gateway that will transact against the Worldpay Pre-Live environment. Use the environment_mode field to define which gateway type to create.

To add a WorldPay Litle gateway, use the following settings:

    "username": "Your API key username", (string)
    "client_password": "Your API key password", (string)
    "merchantId": "Your account ID", (string)
    "reportGroup": "optional, and default value if empty is set to 0", (string)
    "descriptorName":"optional", (string)
    "descriptorPhone":"optional", (string)
    "environment_mode": 0 (integer) optional, default value is 0 for production. 1 for Post-Live, and 2 for Pre-Live environment. 

Gateway Specific Fields

          "Customer_Reference": "value", (String)
          "Report_Group": "value", (String)
          "Order_Source": "value", (String)
          "Descriptor_Name": "value", (String)
          "Descriptor_Phone": "value", (String)
          "Descriptor_City": "value", (String)
          "networkTransactionId": "value" (String)

Gateway Specific Response Fields

         "postDate": "YYYY-MM-DD", (Date)
         "litleToken": "value", (String)
         "responseTime": "2022-05-09T21:05:18", (Date)
         "networkTransactionId": "value", (String)
         "fraudResult": {
             "advancedFraudResults": "value", (String)
             "avsResult": "value", (String)
             "cardValidationResult": "value", (String)
             "authenticationResult": "value", (String)
             "advancedAVSResult": "value"  (String)    

Worldpay Worldwide Payment Gateway (WPG)

For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To use the sandbox mode:

Proceed to the Sandbox Merchant area login and enter your username and password. Once you login, toggle the setting in the left panel to "Test Mode".

To add a WPG gateway, use the following settings:

"username": "API key username",
"password": "API key password",
"merchantcode": "account ID"

Gateway Specific Fields

    "worldpay_dot_com":   {
        "authenticated_shopper_id": "shopper id"