For more information about this gateway, please refer to https://developer.worldpay.com/docs/wpg
- Gateway type code:
- Production API endpoint: https://secure.worldpay.com/jsp/merchant/xml/paymentService.jsp
- Sandbox API endpoint: https://secure-test.worldpay.com/jsp/merchant/xml/paymentService.jsp
- Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
- Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund
To use the sandbox mode:
Proceed to the Sandbox Merchant area login and enter your username and password. Once you login, toggle the setting in the left panel to "Test Mode".
To add a WPG gateway, use the following settings:
"username": "API key username",
"password": "API key password",
"merchantcode": "account ID"
Gateway Specific Fields
"worldpay_dot_com": {
"authenticated_shopper_id": "shopper id"