The Gateway Management API allows you to create, update, list and delete payment gateways in FlexPay. If you have multiple gateways configured on your CRM and want to auto-update FlexPay gateways configuration when you make changes, implementing this API will be beneficial.

Gateway Object Structure

Key NameDescription
idUnique identifier (token) of the gateway.
nameName of the gateway, this value can only be set at creation time and is not updatable.
merchantAccountReferenceIdThe merchant account identifier for this gateway.
gatewayTypeString containing the unique code of the gateway type. See the Supported Gateway Types for more information.
currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code of the merchant account.
statusThe status is one of the following values: Available, Disabled or RefundOnly.
acceptedCurrencyCodesThe list of accepted ISO 4217 currency codes by the merchant account.
acceptedCardsStructure specifying the enabled features for each major credit card companies. See AcceptedCardDictionary object structure below.
weightWhen using the gateway routing features, the FlexPay system can use a weighted distribution strategy to select the gateway that will handle the transaction request.
acceptRetriesBoolean value that specifies if the gateway accept transaction retries.
cvvRequiredBoolean value that specifies if the credit card verification value (cvv) is required to process transaction on the gateway.
approvedChargeOrCaptureRateFeeThe transaction rate fee that is applied on charge and capture transactions by the gateway.
approvedChargeOrCaptureFlatFeeThe transaction flat fee that is applied on charge and capture transactions by the gateway.
otherTransactionFlatFeeThe transaction flat fee that is applied by the gateway on other transaction types.
settingsStructure of the settings is different for each gateway type. More information can be found in the SupportedGatewayTypes

Write only Fields

Connection settings for the gateways can contain sensitive information, for this reason these fields are write-only. This means these fields can be sent to the API but never returned by it.


    "visa": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features,
    "masterCard": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features,
    "amex": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features,
    "discover": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features,
    "dinersClub": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features,
    "jcb": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features,
    "maestro": AcceptedCardFeatures | optional | default: true for all features

Fields extended information

Key NameDescription
visaStructure that specifies the enabled features for the Visa credit card company.
mastercardStructure that specifies the enabled features for the MasterCard credit card company.
amexStructure that specifies the enabled features for the American Express credit card company.
discoverStructure that specifies the enabled features for the Discord credit card company.
dinersClubStructure that specifies the enabled features for the Diners Club credit card company.
jcbStructure that specifies the enabled features for the JCB credit card company.
maestroStructure that specifies the enabled features for the Maestro credit card company.


    "acceptCreditCard": bool | optional | default: false,
    "acceptPrepaidCard": bool | optional | default: false,
    "acceptDebitCard": bool | optional | default: false

Fields extended information

Key NameDescription
acceptCreditCardBoolean value that specifies if the gateway should accept credit cards for the credit card company.
acceptPrepaidCardBoolean value that specifies if the gateway should accept prepaid credit cards for the credit card company.
acceptDebitCardBoolean value that specifies if the gateway should accept debit cards for the credit card company.

GatewayStatus enumeration

The gateway status is one of the following values:

AvailableThe gateway is available for processing.
DisabledThe gateway is disabled and will not accept any transactions.
RefundOnlyThe gateway is disabled but will accept refunds.