An API call’s HTTP response code can indicate an error state or some other degradation of service. See the following response codes and corresponding response bodies for common causes.
API Response
Code | Description |
400 | Bad request. The request, as submitted, is not valid. The request should not be retried |
401 | Unauthorized. No HTTP basic authentication was specified or API key is invalid |
403 | Forbidden. A fraudulent request was detected. |
404 | Not found. The requested item was not found. The request should not be retried. |
505 | Internal Server Error. FlexPay experienced an error processing the request. |
Transaction Response
Fields | Code Range | Description |
Approved | 10000 | The request was successful |
Soft Decline | 20000 | The request declined, though subsequent attempts may be successful |
Hard Decline | 30000 | The request declined. Most hard declines require the Issuer or Cardholder to rectify the outstanding issue(s) before a subsequent attempt can be made. |
Risk Responses | 40000 | The request triggered a risk response. The status of the response (responseCode and status) will depend on the action specified in your risk settings on your gateway. |
API Validation | 50000 | The request failed API validation and was not successful due to the error |
Code | Description |
10000 | Approved |
10001 | The reversal was processed successfully |
Soft Decline
Code | Description |
20000 | You need to refer to the Card Issuer |
20002 | Invalid or inactive merchant |
20003 | Declined - do not honor |
20012 | Re-enter transaction or transaction has been expired |
20013 | Invalid response |
20018 | Completed Partially |
20022 | Bank decline |
20023 | The card has been declined due to insufficient funds |
20039 | Response timeout |
20043 | Transaction cannot be completed |
20046 | System error |
20047 | Other / Unidentified responses |
20048 | Unable to authorize |
20050 | Over daily limit |
20056 | Customer token/Id is incorrect or invalid |
20057 | Your merchant account authentication failed |
20068 | Invalid API access token |
20073 | Batch data is missing or Invalid |
20074 | Suspected fraud response code |
20075 | Transaction limit for merchant exceeded |
20076 | Transaction required data are missing or invalid |
20077 | RETRY - Not a credit account |
20078 | RETRY - Not a cheque account |
20079 | RETRY - Not a savings account |
20080 | RETRY - Expired card |
20081 | RETRY - Limit exceeded. Enter a lesser value. |
20082 | RETRY - Invalid transaction date |
20083 | RETRY - Invalid expiry date format |
20084 | RETRY - You submitted an unsupported card type with your request |
20085 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Invalid transaction |
20086 | RETRY - Billing address is missing |
20087 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Blacklist transaction cannot be processed |
20088 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Postal code failed The card’s postal code failed validation. |
20089 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Missing required data. Please make sure all required data is sent, such as: CVV, Expiry date, Cardholder name, Billing address, Postalcode etc. |
20090 | RETRY - Declined - AVS(Address) not matched the transaction payment method. |
20091 | RETRY - Mismatch - Shipping to billing shipping country does not match billing country |
20092 | RETRY - Mismatch - Shipping to BIN shipping country does not match bin country. |
20093 | RETRY - Mismatch - Shipping to IP shipping country does not match IP country |
20094 | RETRY - Mismatch - Billing to BIN billing country does not match bin country. |
20095 | RETRY - Mismatch - Billing to IP billing country does not match IP country. |
20096 | RETRY - Mismatch - BIN to IP BIN country does not match IP country. |
20097 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Card number is blacklisted |
20098 | RETRY - Gateway declined - IP address is blacklisted |
20099 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Email is blacklisted |
20100 | RETRY - Gateway declined - Phone number is Blacklisted |
20101 | RETRY - The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - validate with the bank. |
20102 | RETRY - Expired Card - Pick Up |
20103 | RETRY – Invalid card number |
20104 | RETRY – No gateways are configured to process the submitted card type |
Hard Decline
30000 | The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - validate with the bank. |
30001 | The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - it may be a lost or stolen card. |
30002 | Invalid card: Luhn algorithm failed (MOD - 10) |
30003 | Expired Card - Pick Up |
30004 | Suspected Fraud - Pick Up |
30006 | Restricted Card - Pick Up |
30008 | The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - it may be a lost card. |
30009 | The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - it may be a stolen card. |
30010 | The void request failed |
30011 | Invalid transaction |
30012 | Invalid card number |
30013 | The reversal request failed |
30015 | The external gateway has reported that you have submitted an invalid amount with your request |
30016 | Error / Invalid parameters in the request |
30017 | Format Error |
30019 | Not a credit account |
30024 | Not a cheque account |
30025 | Not a savings account |
30026 | Expired card |
30029 | Transaction not permitted to that cardholder |
30031 | Suspected fraud |
30034 | Restricted card |
30044 | Duplicate transaction |
30049 | Decline for CVV2 failure |
30051 | Limit exceeded. Enter a lesser value |
30052 | Invalid transaction date |
30053 | Card not supported |
30055 | Invalid expiry date format |
30058 | You submitted an unsupported card type with your request. |
30059 | Gateway declined - Invalid transaction |
30061 | The external gateway has reported that you have submitted an invalid currency with your request |
30062 | Billing address is missing |
30064 | Authorisation already reversed (voided) or capture is larger than initial authorised value |
30065 | Authorization is completed |
30066 | Transaction already reversed |
30071 | Invalid API version |
30074 | Invalid customer/user |
30077 | This processor does not accept partial reversals |
30078 | Original transaction for reversal not found |
30079 | This transaction has already been captured |
30080 | DO NOT RETRY - You need to refer to the Card Issuer |
30081 | DO NOT RETRY - Invalid or inactive merchant |
30082 | DO NOT RETRY - Do not honour |
30083 | DO NOT RETRY - Re-enter transaction or transaction has been expired |
30084 | DO NOT RETRY - Invalid response |
30085 | DO NOT RETRY - Completed partially |
30086 | DO NOT RETRY - Bank decline |
30087 | DO NOT RETRY - The card has been declined due to insufficient funds |
30088 | DO NOT RETRY - Response timeout |
30089 | DO NOT RETRY - Transaction cannot be completed |
30090 | DO NOT RETRY - System error |
30091 | DO NOT RETRY - Other / Unidentified responses |
30092 | DO NOT RETRY - Over daily limit |
30093 | DO NOT RETRY - Customer token/Id is incorrect or invalid |
30094 | DO NOT RETRY - Customer token/Id is incorrect or invalid |
30095 | DO NOT RETRY - Your merchant account authentication failed |
30096 | DO NOT RETRY - Invalid API access token |
30097 | DO NOT RETRY - Batch data is missing or Invalid |
30098 | DO NOT RETRY - Transaction limit for merchant exceeded |
30099 | DO NOT RETRY - Transaction required data are missing or invalid |
30100 | DO NOT RETRY - Retry limit reached |
30101 | Invalid gateway payment method Id |
30102 | DO NOT RETRY - Suspected fraud response code |
30103 | Original transaction has not been captured, scheduled recovery has been cancelled. Used in enterprise with scheduler to notify FP to stop recovery. |
Risk Responses
40000 | Risk Blocked Transaction refused due to risk model |
40002 | Gateway declined - Blacklist transaction cannot be processed |
40003 | Gateway declined - CVV is missing or incorrect. The merchant’s configuration requires a CVV to be entered, but no CVV was provided with this transaction or CVV is incorrect |
40004 | Gateway declined - Postal code failed The card’s postal code failed validation |
40005 | Gateway declined - Missing required data. Please make sure all required data is sent, such as: CVV, Expiry date, Cardholder name, Billing address, Postalcode etc |
40006 | Declined – AVS (Address) not matched the transaction payment method |
40007 | Mismatch - Shipping to billing shipping country does not match billing country |
40008 | Mismatch - Shipping to BIN shipping country does not match bin country |
40009 | Mismatch - Shipping to IP shipping country does not match IP country |
40010 | Mismatch - Billing to BIN billing country does not match bin country |
40011 | Mismatch - Billing to IP billing country does not match IP country |
40012 | Mismatch - BIN to IP BIN country does not match IP country |
40030 | Gateway declined - Card number is blacklisted |
40031 | Gateway declined - IP address is blacklisted |
40032 | Gateway declined - Email is blacklisted |
40033 | Gateway declined - Phone number is Blacklisted |
API Validation
50000 | Validation error |
50002 | An error was experienced while parsing the payload. Please ensure that the structure is correct. |
50003 | No parameters were found |
50005 | Authorization has been denied for this request |
50014 | Invalid 'CustomerToken' length |
50015 | Invalid 'Email' length |
50020 | Invalid 'PhoneNumber' length |
50028 | Invalid 'FullName' length |
50029 | Invalid 'ProvinceStateCode' length |
50037 | Invalid 'CustomerIp' length |
50039 | Invalid value for 'CountryCode' |
50045 | Field 'CurrencyCode' is required |
50048 | Field 'CustomerToken' or 'email' are required |
50055 | Field 'Month' is required |
50056 | Invalid value for 'Month' |
50057 | Field 'Year' is required |
50058 | Invalid value for 'Year' |
50059 | Field 'CreditCardNumber' is required |
50060 | Invalid 'CreditCardNumber' Length |
50068 | Invalid 'MerchantDescriptor' length |
50073 | Invalid 'CurrencyCode' length |
50088 | Field 'FirstName' is required |
50089 | Field 'LastName' is required |
50090 | Fields 'FullName' or 'FirstName' and 'LastName' are required |
50091 | Invalid 'FirstName' length |
50092 | Invalid 'LastName' length |
50093 | Field 'CountryCode' is required |
50094 | Field 'PostalCode' is required |
50095 | Invalid 'PostalCode' length |
50096 | Field 'ProvinceStateCode' is required |
50097 | Field 'City' is required |
50098 | Invalid 'City' length |
50099 | Field 'Address1' is required |
50100 | Invalid 'Address1' length |
50103 | Field 'MerchantTransactionReferenceId' is required |
50104 | Invalid 'MerchantTransactionReferenceId' length |
50105 | Invalid 'TransactionType' |
50106 | Invalid 'CustomField1' length |
50107 | Invalid 'CustomField2' length |
50108 | Invalid 'CustomField3' length |
50109 | Invalid 'CustomField4' length |
50110 | Invalid 'CustomField5' length |
50111 | Invalid 'ReferenceData' length |
50112 | Invalid 'ShippingPhoneNumber' length |
50113 | Invalid 'ShippingCountryCode' length |
50114 | Invalid 'ShippingPostalCode' length |
50115 | Invalid 'ShippingProvinceStateCode' length |
50116 | Invalid 'ShippingCity' length |
50117 | Invalid 'ShippingAddress2' length |
50118 | Invalid 'ShippingAddress1' length |
50119 | Invalid 'Address2' length |
50120 | Invalid 'BillingPlanCode' length |
50121 | Invalid 'ProductCategoryName' length |
50122 | Invalid 'ProductSku' length |
50123 | Invalid 'MerchantLocation' length |
50124 | Invalid 'Description' length |
50125 | invalid 'GatewayTransactionToken' length |
50126 | Field 'OrderId' is required |
50127 | Invalid 'OrderId' length |
50128 | Invalid 'GatewayToken' length |
50129 | Field 'MerchantTransactionReferenceId' must be unique |
50130 | No gateways are configured to process the submitted card type |
50131 | Original transaction not found using the field ‘TransactionReferenceId’. |
50132 | Invalid value for 'ReferenceData' |
50133 | Field 'PaymentToken' is required |
50134 | Invalid value for 'PaymentToken' |
50135 | Fields 'PaymentToken' or 'PaymentMethod' values are required |
50136 | Invalid PaymentMethod values |
50137 | Invalid value for ''Amount'' while processing a charge or an authorize |
50138 | Invalid value for ''gatewayPaymentMethodId''. |
50139 | Invalid ''gatewayPaymentMethodId'' length |
50140 | Invalid value for ''merchantAccountReferenceId''. |
50141 | Invalid ''merchantAccountReferenceId'' length. |
50142 | Invalid ''vendorId'' length. |
50143 | Invalid value for gateway ''referenceId''. |
50144 | Invalid length for gateway ''referenceId''. |
50145 | Invalid value for ''gatewayType''. |
50146 | Inconsistent values for ''referenceId'' between previous transaction and gateway. |
50147 | Invalid value for one of the currencies in the list of accepted currencies on the gateway. |
50148 | Invalid currency code on the merchant account. |
50149 | Invalid ''GatewayPaymentMethodId'' for selected gateway. |
50150 | Invalid ''GatewayTransactionId'' for selected gateway. |
50151 | Invalid ''GatewayTransactionId'' length. |
50152 | ''GatewayTransactionId'' can only be used for an Authorize or Charge transaction. |
50153 | Invalid ''Last4Digits'' length. |
50154 | Invalid ''First6Digits'' length. |
50155 | Invalid ''PaymentModel''. |
50156 | Current transaction cannot be processed when the account is in a Decline Salvage Disabled state. |
50157 | Current transaction with 3DS values cannot be processed when the gateway doesn't support 3DS. |
50158 | Current transaction with 3DS values cannot be processed when the three_ds_version is empty or doesn't start with '2'. |
50159 | Current transaction with valid 3DS version and null or empty threeDS cannot be processed. |
50160 | Field 'CustomerReferenceId' is required if fields 'FullName' or 'FirstName' and 'LastName' are empty |
50161 | Field 'CustomerReferenceId' or 'email' or 'subscriptionId' are required. |