For more information about this gateway, please refer to
- Gateway type code:
- Production API endpoint:
- Sandbox API endpoint:
- Supported payment types: Gateway payment method token
- Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund
To add an gateway, use the following settings:
"api_key" : "API key value provided by Masspay (required)",
"organization_id" : "Organization ID value provided by Masspay"
Gateway Specific Fields
"masspay": {
"payment_profile": "Reference to the payment profile this transaction belongs to (required)",
"dynamic_descriptor": "A short reference / descriptor that will show up on the customers bank statement",
"webhook_transaction_update": "A webhook url that is called when a transaction is updated",
"redirect_url": "(required)",
"product_lines": [
"id": "Product01",
"name": "My Product",
"type": "tangible",
"category": "Supplies",
"description": "Description of the product",
"upc": "PRD01",
"sku": "XYZ12345",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 500,
"price_incl": 500,
"vat_percentage": 500
"id": "Product02",
"name": "My Product2",
"type": "tangible",
"category": "Supplies",
"description": "Description of the product",
"upc": "PRD02",
"sku": "XYZ12346",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 600,
"price_incl": 600,
"vat_percentage": 600