For more information about this gateway, please refer to
- Gateway type code:
- Production API endpoint:
- Sandbox API endpoint:
- Supported payment types: Gateway payment method token
- Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund
To add a ProtectPay gateway, use the following settings:
"auth_token" : "Value supplied by ProtectPay. Used to identify the correct collection of tokens (required)",
"biller_id" : "Valid value is a GUID. Value supplied by ProPay. Used to access the API (required)",
"account_num" : "Account number (required)",
"merchant_profile_id" : "Merchant Profile Id (required)",
"environment_mode" : "External Gateway environment mode. 0 for Live, 2 for Sandbox)"
Gateway Specific Fields
"merchant_profile_id": "value",
"sec_code": "value"
Gateway Specific Response Fields
"gatewaySpecificResponseFields": {
"protect_pay": {
"gateway_transaction_id": "TransactionId"