For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: checkout_v2
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint: Not Supported
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a Checkout V2 gateway, use the following settings:

    "secret_key" : "Your Secret Key"

Gateway Specific Fields

FlexPay will map transaction_indicator to payment_type, and previous_charge_id to previous_payment_id before sending the request to Checkout.

By default, the field transaction_indicator is set to 1, a regular transaction. You can pass the value 2 to indicate recurring, or 3 for MOTO.

   "checkout_v2":   {
      "processing_channel_id": "value",
      "descriptor_city": "value",
      "descriptor_name": "value",
      "card_on_file": "value",
      "transaction_indicator": "value",
      "previous_charge_id": "value",
      "attempt_n3d": "value",
      "metadata": "value",
      "capture_type": "value",
      "authorization_type": "value",
      "challenge_indicator": "value",
      "exemption": "value",
      "incremental_authorization": "value",
      "execute_threed": "value",
      "funds_transfer_type": "value",
      "account_holder_type": "value",
      "source_type": "value",
      "source_id": "value",
      "merchant_initiated_transaction_id": "value"