For more information about this gateway, please refer to
- Gateway type code:
- Production API endpoint: https://[prefix][version]/[method]
- Sandbox API endpoint: https: //[version]/[method]
- Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
- Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund
To add an Adyen gateway, use the following settings:
"mode" : "(required) APIKey Authentication (value = 'apikey') OR Username and Password (value = 'basic') authentication methods.",
"merchant_account_id" : "(required) Merchant Account Id",
"api_url_random_hex" : "(required in production, live mode) Random prefix for URL",
"api_url_company_name" : "(required in production, live mode) Company name at Adyen",
"api_key" : "(required with APIKey authentication mode) Provided by Adyen",
"username" : "(required with Username and Password authentication mode) Provided by Adyen",
"password" : "(required with Username and Password authentication mode) Provided by Adyen"
Gateway Specific Fields
"shopper_interaction": "custom additional field that's possible to pass to Adyen",
"customer_id" : "If provided, this value is sent as shopperReference instead of the regular customer_id submitted in the base payload",
"shopper_statement" : "Provide shopper statement value here",
"paymentmethod_type" : "Possible values are applepay and paywithgoogle",
"manual_capture": "Set to true to require manual capture for the transaction.",
"line_items": [
"amountExcludingTax": "Item amount excluding the tax, in minor units.",
"quantity": "Number of items"
"recurring_processing_model" : "Possible value is UnscheduledCardOnFile. If no value is sent, Subscription will be the default value."