For more information about this gateway, please refer to

To add an PayU Latam gateway, use the following settings:

    "merchant_id" : "Your Merchant ID",
    "account_id" : "Your Account ID",
    "api_login" : "Your Username",
    "api_key" : "Your API Key",
    "payment_country" : "Your Payment Country"

Gateway Specific Fields

        "dni_number" : "Your DNI Number",
        "dni_type" : "Your DNI Type",
        "cnpj" : "Your CNPJ",
        "birth_date" : "Birth date", (Required for transactions in Mexico)
        "description" : "Description", (Can be sent to override the default value of: Compra en merchant_name)
        "tax" : "Tax", (Required for transactions in Colombia)
        "tax_return_base" : "Tax Return Base", (Required for transactions in Colombia)
        "installments_number" : "Installments Number",
        "user_agent" : "User Agent",
        "cookie" : "Cookie",
        "device_session_id" : "Device Session ID", (Required for all transactions – see instructions below)
        "buyer" : {
           "name" : "Name",
           "email" : "Email",
           "dni_number" : "DNI Number",
           "dni_type" : "DNI Type",
           "cnpj" : "CNPJ",
        "verify_amount" : "Verify Amount", (Can be sent in verify API calls to override default minimum values.),
        "language " : "Language", (Overrides the language used in emails and error messages. The default language is sent as en, but es or pt may be sent.)

Instructions for finding device_session_id can be found here under ‘Devicesessionid variable’.

The buyer gateway specific field is an element in which you may specify to the buyer (as opposed to the Payer). If this element is not sent, the payer’s information will be used instead. If the element is sent with partial information, any missing fields will be sent as empty. In addition to these fields, PayU receives the buyer-specific phone number present in the shipping_address element if provided.