For more information about this gateway, please refer to

  • Gateway type code: d_local
  • Production API endpoint:
  • Sandbox API endpoint:
  • Supported payment types: Credit Card, Gateway payment method token
  • Supported operations: Authorization, Capture, Charge, Void, Refund

To add a DLocal gateway, use the following settings:

  "x_login": "Login required for authentication with DLocal gateway (required)",
  "x_trans_key": "Transact key required for authentication with DLocal gateway (required)",
  "secret_key": "Secret key required for authentication with DLocal gateway (required)",
  "environment_mode": "Live(0) or Sandbox(2) environment mode at dLocal API (required)"

Gateway Specific Fields

More details about these fields can be found in

          "document": "User’s personal identification number (required)",
          "payment_method_id": "Payment method code chosen to make the payment, or the keyword CARD Required for DIRECT payment method flow. Length: 4. For example: CARD, VI, VD, MC"   